Rooster Crows Mary, 2022, 51” x 41”
Untitled, 2022, 51” x 41”
They Came Before Columbus, 2022
Queen Modesta, 2022, 51” x 41”
Hip Hop, 2022, 51” x 41”
Lion & Rooster, 2022, 51” x 41”
Into the Blue, 2022, 51” x 41”
Rococo, 2022, 51” x 41”
Bold and Beautiful without a Smile, 2022, 51” x 41”
Face to Face, 2022, 51” x 41”
Angry with Remorse, 2022, 51” x 41”
Belly, 2022, 51” x 41”
Untitled (Blue), 2022, 51” x 41”
Siren Song, 2022, 41” x 51”
Almost Broken, 2022, 51” x 14 “
George F., 2021, 51” x 41”
Untitled, 2021, 51”x 41”
K.C. Jr. , 2021, 51” x 41”